Entry Ban to Turkey: Legal Insights and Remedies
Turkey is an exciting destination for both tourists and foreigners wishing to live and work abroad, offering a flexible Turkish visa system, modern amenities, and a low cost of living. One of the most common legal problems faced by foreigners who are in Turkey and who want to come to Turkey is the entry ban to Turkey. The travel ban to Turkey, also known as visa ban To Turkey, which can be based on various reasons ranging from exceeding visa deadlines to non-payment of administrative fines, can be easily removed with the aid of the right Turkish immigration lawyer.
As Viridis Legal Partners, your immigration, deportation and asylum lawyers in Istanbul, we are at your side for the fastest removal of the decision taken against you to ban you from entering Turkey.
Legalities of Entry Ban To Turkey
What Is the Entry Ban To Turkey?
An entry ban can be defined as an administrative act imposed on foreigners who have been, are, or have never been in the country but are subject to an entry ban for various reasons.
The entry ban to Turkey is expressed in Article 15/1-b of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458. Pursuant to the mentioned article; visas are not granted to foreigners who are banned from entering Turkey.
Entry ban to Turkey is stipulated under Article 9 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458
Entry ban to Turkey
ARTICLE 9 – (1) The Directorate General may prohibit the entry of foreigners who are deemed inconvenient to enter Turkey in terms of public order or public security or public health, by taking the opinions of the relevant public institutions and organizations when necessary.
(2) The entry into Turkey of foreigners deported from Turkey shall be prohibited by the Directorate General or governorates.
(3) The maximum duration of the ban on entry into Turkey is five years. However, in case of a serious threat to public order or public security, this period may be increased by the Directorate General for a maximum of ten years.
Regulations About The Entry Ban To Turkey
Issues such as the ban on entry into Turkey, identification of inadmissible passengers, and the requirement for prior authorization are set out in the Regulation on the Implementation of Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection.
Determination of inadmissible passenger and general provisions
ARTICLE 7 – (1) Foreigners who are determined to be among those who will not be allowed to enter Turkey, and those who are in the same scope but who applied for international protection at the border gates and whose applications were rejected by the final decision issued against them shall be treated as inadmissible passengers and actions shall be taken against these foreigners within the framework of the Regulation on Procedures and Principles Regarding the Obligations of Air Carriers published in the Official Gazette dated 7/11/2015 and numbered 29525 and other regulations to be issued within the scope of Article 98 of the Law.
(2) Among the foreigners who are determined to be among those who will not be allowed to enter Turkey, those who are deemed to be objectionable in terms of public order or security, those who obtain the documents to be used for entry into Turkey through fraudulent means or those who are found to be subject to forgery shall be immediately notified to the Directorate General.
(3) Necessary coordination shall be ensured with the carrier for the departure procedures of the inadmissible passenger from the country.
(4) The decision notified to the foreigner and the carrier shall also cover the rights of the foreigner and the appeal procedures.
Entry ban to Turkey and prior permission requirement
ARTICLE 8 – (1) The Directorate General may issue an entry ban for foreigners whose presence in Turkey is deemed objectionable in terms of public order, public security, or public health; the Directorate General or governorates may issue an entry ban for foreigners for whom a deportation decision has been taken while in Turkey.
(2) The procedures regarding the entry ban are as follows:
a) For foreigners to be deported, the beginning of the prohibition of entry into the country shall be the date of the foreigner’s departure from the country.
b) For foreigners who exceed the duration of their visa, visa exemption, work permit or residence permit by more than ten days and who apply to the governorates to leave Turkey before a deportation decision is taken or before this decision is notified to the person concerned, the duration of the ban on entry into Turkey shall not exceed one year, provided that the fees and related penalties arising from the violation of visa, visa exemption or residence permit have been paid, without prejudice to the situation that requires them to be included in the scope of the ban on entry for another reason.
c) Foreigners who exceed the duration of their visa, visa exemption, work permit or residence permit for more than ten days and who come to the border gate spontaneously to exit before a deportation decision is taken against them shall not be subject to an entry ban on the grounds of visa or residence violation, provided that they have paid the fees and related penalties arising from the visa, visa exemption or residence permit violation, without prejudice to the situation that requires them to be included in the scope of the entry ban for another reason.
d) The entry ban shall be for a maximum period of five years. At the end of five years, if there is a serious threat to public order or public security, the previous five-year entry ban may be extended for another ten years, either at once or separately. However, the duration of the entry ban cannot exceed fifteen years based on the same grounds.
e) When deemed necessary, the Directorate General may lift the entry ban without waiting for the expiration of the period or may allow the foreigner to enter Turkey for a certain period of time by reserving the entry ban.
(3) For reasons of public order or public security, the Directorate General may condition the admission of certain foreigners to Turkey upon the request of the relevant public institutions and organizations or directly by the Directorate General. Foreigners who appear in the system to be subject to a prior authorization requirement shall not be allowed to enter the country without the positive opinion of the Directorate General.
Notification of the ban on entry into Turkey and the requirement of prior permission
ARTICLE 9 – (1) Notification regarding the entry ban and prior permission requirement shall be made by the following;
- a) Consular officials in the event that foreigners who are under an entry ban or prior authorization requirement apply to consulates to obtain a visa, residence or work permit,
- b) If the foreigner is in Turkey, the governor’s office,
- c) The law enforcement unit in charge of entry-exit procedures at the border gates for foreigners who have been issued an entry ban.
The legislation first defines INAD passengers as those whose applications for international protection have been rejected and foreigners who will not be allowed to enter Turkey. Then, the general principles regarding the entry ban decisions to be taken by the Directorate General of Migration Management and Governorships on foreigners in Turkey are regulated. Also, the starting date of the ban on travel to Turkey imposed on the deported foreigner is indicated, the circumstances in which a ban on entry to Turkey may not be imposed in case of deportation is stated, and the maximum duration and extension of the ban on entry are regulated.
Common Reasons for Prohibition Of Entry Into Turkey
The circumstances requiring the decision to ban the foreigner from entering Turkey are set out in Article 9 of the aforementioned Law. Accordingly, the foreigner is banned from entering Turkey in cases where there is a problem for the foreigner to enter Turkey in terms of public order, or public security, or public health, or in cases where the foreigner has been deported.
When the travel ban to Turkey is notified to the foreigner, the reason for the ban is also notified. The notification document given to the foreigner contains a code indicating the reason for the restriction. These codes, also known as restriction codes, are associated with the passports of individuals and are often used to understand the reason for the ban on entry into Turkey.
Some of the codes which display the reasons for the ban on entering Turkey are as follows.
Restriction Code | Description |
Ç101 | 3 months entry ban to Turkey for visa/residency violation between 1-3 months |
Ç102 | 6 months entry ban to Turkey for visa/residency violation between 3-6 months |
Ç103 | 1 year entry ban to Turkey for visa/residency violation between 6 months- 1 year |
Ç104 | 2 years entry ban to Turkey for visa/residency violation between 1-2 years |
Ç105 | 5 years entry ban to Turkey for visa/residency violation between 2-5 years |
Ç106 | 7 years entry ban to Turkey for visa/residency violation of 5 years or more |
Ç107 | 1 month entry ban to Turkey for residence permit violation between 1-3 months |
Ç108 | 3 months entry ban to Turkey for residence permit violation between 3-6 months |
Ç109 | 6 months entry ban to Turkey for residence permit violation between 6 months – 1 year |
Ç110 | 1 year entry ban for residence permit violation between 1-2 years |
Ç111 | 2 years entry ban for residence permit violation between 2-5 years |
Ç112 | 5 years entry ban for residence permit violation of 5 years or more |
Ç113 | 2 years entry ban for illegal entry or attempted illegal entry |
Ç114 | 1 year entry ban for foreigners subjected to judicial proceedings |
Ç115 | 1 year entry ban for foreigners released from prison |
Ç116 | 1 year entry ban for foreigners who threaten public morality and health |
Ç117 | 1 year entry ban for foreigners working illegally |
Ç118 | 5 years entry ban for residence permit invalidation due to public health concerns |
Ç119 | 5 years entry ban for working illegally and non-payment of administrative fines |
Ç120 | 5 year ban for non-payment of administrative fines for residence permit and visa violations |
Ç121 | NATO Summit precautionary entry ban |
Ç122 | Entry ban for fund debtors under the Banking Law |
Ç123 | Entry ban for crimes against the Law on Assemblies and Demonstrations |
Ç124 | Entry ban for foreigners with forged passports |
Ç125 | Entry ban for foreigners with forged visas |
Ç126 | Entry ban for foreigners who committed cybercrimes |
Ç127 | 1 month entry ban by court order |
Ç128 | 2 months entry ban by court order |
Ç130 | 3 months entry ban by court order |
Ç131 | 6-month entry ban by court order |
Ç132 | 1 year entry ban by court order |
Ç133 | 2 year entry ban by court order |
Ç134 | 3-year entry ban by court order |
Ç135 | Entry ban due to reasons specified in Article 102 of Law No. 6458 |
Ç136 | Entry ban for foreigners ordered deported and not paying deportation costs |
Ç137 | Entry ban for foreigners invited to leave |
Ç138 | Entry ban for INAD travellers |
Ç141 | Entry ban for foreigners requiring prior authorisation from the Ministry of Interior |
Ç149 | Entry ban for foreigners deemed a public security risk |
Ç150 | Entry ban for foreigners attempting entry with forged documents |
Ç151 | Entry ban for migrant smuggling and human trafficking offences |
Ç152 | Entry ban for foreigners prevented from entering as a precautionary measure |
Ç166 | Entry ban for foreigners without sufficient financial resources |
Ç179 | Entry ban for organ/tissue trafficking offences |
Ç restriction codes can be based on a wide variety of reasons. However, it is observed that, in the majority of cases, the C code is applied in cases of contravention of immigration law legislation. G restriction codes are imposed in cases where the foreigner is involved in a criminal offence. There is a separate G restriction code for almost every offence. N restriction codes are applied in cases where the foreigner’s entry into Turkey is subject to prior authorisation. O restriction codes are applied to foreigners seeking asylum.
Analysing the passport codes above, it is observed that the reasons for the entry ban can be very diverse. The first one that comes to mind is exceeding the legal stay period. Secondly, failure to fulfil various requirements of the immigration legislation such as obtaining a Turkish residence permit, or visa in Turkey, making false statements, using forged documents, not being present at the address given for the residence permit or forgery acts are shown as reasons for the entry ban.
Notifications made by the authorities in Turkey or Interpol for various offences are also grounds for travel bans to Turkey. Having a contagious disease or prostitution is another reason for the travel ban.
Failure to pay administrative fines imposed for exceeding the legal period of stay in Turkey is another common reason for a travel ban.
Duration of Travel Bans To Turkey
The ban on entry to Turkey is imposed for a maximum period of five years. In case of a serious threat to public order and public security, this period may be extended by the Directorate General of Migration Management up to a further ten years.
The ban on entry to Turkey is imposed for a maximum period of five years. In case of a serious threat to public order and public security, this period may be extended by the Directorate General of Migration Management up to a maximum of ten years. However, in cases where a legitimised visa or prior permission is required, an application must be made to the administration for permission. Since this permit is often not granted, the entry ban becomes de facto indefinite in such cases.
In addition, in cases such as non-payment of administrative fines regulated in Article 102 of Law No. 6458 such as overstay fines, non-payment of administrative fines regulated in the relevant articles of other laws such as traffic fines, non-payment of the attorney fee of the public attorney against whom the lawsuits filed by the foreigner in administrative courts are concluded, the ban on entry to Turkey is not lifted without payment.
How to Determine If You Have an Entry Ban To Turkey
It is not possible to find out whether you are banned from entering Turkey online or from the consulates. The foreigner is usually informed of this situation at the airport when he/she enters Turkey and is sent back as an INAD passenger.
Foreigners in Turkey can inquire about this situation from the police or immigration authorities themselves.
The healthiest solution is to make this enquiry through a Turkish immigration lawyer given a power of attorney.
Legal Remedies and Removal of Entry Ban To Turkey
Paying Overstay Fines:
In the calculation of the overstay fine, various criteria such as your country of citizenship, the validity period of the visa or legal stay, entry and exit dates, and whether you have previously obtained a residence permit are taken into account.
Additionally, not only visa overstay, but also various other cases such as using the visa against the purpose of issuance, entering Turkey illegally, exceeding the duration of the residence permit, exceeding the duration of the work permit, behaviour contrary to the scope of the residence or work permit are also sanctioned with administrative fines.
Administrative fines as of 2025 arising from Law No. 6458 are as follows:
Where To Pay Overstay Fines in Turkey
In Turkey, Visa Violation Offices are the units that calculate the amount of the fine to be paid in case of visa violation and accept these payments. In Turkey, visa violation fine payments are made at Visa Violation Offices of airports with international terminals. Foreign citizens who pay the administrative fine for visa violation and whose visa violation period in Turkey is less than 3 months are not subject to an entry ban.
Appealing the Entry Ban To Turkey:
It is possible to appeal against the entry ban to Turkey and have the ban on entering Turkey lifted by filing a lawsuit at the administrative court. Since the ban on entry to Turkey is an administrative act, it is possible to apply to the administrative court within sixty days of the notification of the ban and request the annulment of the act. Depending on the reason for the ban, the defences to the lawsuit may vary. It is very important to work with a Turkish immigration lawyer for the most effective conduct of the case and for the best results.
Annotated Visas To Turkey:
When an annotated visa is obtained, the person is allowed to enter Turkey for special purposes such as family reunification, education, treatment etc.; even if the person is banned from entering the country. Therefore, in practice, annotated visas are also used to solve the problem of entry ban.
Even if the country of which the person is a citizen has a visa exemption to Turkey, he/she needs to obtain an annotated visa to enter Turkey when there is a ban on entry to Turkey.
Annotated visas should not be confounded with pre-permit visas. In a pre-permit visa, the visa application is reported to the Ministry of the Interior Affairs and the visa is not issued without the approval of the Ministry of the Interior Affairs. N-82 and N-coded prohibition orders often require a pre-permit procedure.
Seeking Legal Assistance:
Proper management of the legal process and effective provision of legal justification for the cases are of paramount importance in achieving favourable outcomes against Turkish entry ban decisions. Otherwise, foreigners risk facing an entry ban and are likely to lose their right to enter the country. This can have serious negative effects on the social, economic and personal lives of foreigners. Therefore, it is essential to seek legal assistance from an immigration lawyer in Turkey when filing a lawsuit against entry ban decisions in order to prevent loss of rights and to obtain the best outcome.
As Viridis Legal Partners, immigration lawyers in Turkey, we are here to protect the rights and interests of our clients, to provide legal justification and to carry out the procedural steps accurately. As English-speaking Turkish immigration lawyers, we can also help you overcome language barriers and ensure that you understand and follow the entire process correctly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can I check if I am banned from entering Turkey?
If you are in Turkey, you can find out if you are banned from entering Turkey by applying to the police or the Provincial Migration Management. It is not possible to obtain this information from abroad or online.
If you give a power of attorney to an immigration lawyer in Turkey, your lawyer can obtain this information on your behalf.
What happens if I overstay my visa in Turkey?
If you exceed the legal period of stay provided by your visa in Turkey, you may face administrative fines and a ban on entering Turkey.
How long do entry bans last in Turkey?
The duration of the ban on entering Turkey varies depending on the reason for the ban. The maximum period is five years, which can be extended for a further ten years.
Can I remove an entry ban to Turkey before the expiration period?
Yes, you can remove an entry ban to Turkey before the expiration date. The ban on entering Turkey can be lifted before its expiry by appeal.
Where can I pay my overstay fine in Turkey?
You can make visa violation fine payments at Visa Violation Offices of airports with international terminals in Turkey.
What is an annotated visa, and how can I get one?
An annotated visa is a special type of visa which allows a foreigner to enter Turkey for special purposes such as family reunification, education, treatment etc.; even if the foreigner is banned from entering Turkey. Annotated visas can be obtained by applying to Turkish Foreign Representatives such as Turkish Consulates and Turkish Embassies.
What are the legal steps to lift an entry ban?
The case for removal of the ban on entry to Turkey varies according to the reason for the ban. In some cases, it is possible to file a lawsuit directly, while in other cases, it is possible to request the removal of the ban after making payments such as administrative fines.
Can a lawyer help remove my entry ban to Turkey?
It is necessary to file a lawsuit for the removal of the ban on entry into Turkey and for this reason, it is absolutely necessary to work with a Turkish immigration lawyer.
What is an INAD passenger under Turkish Law?
INAD passenger, in other words, inadmissible passenger, means a passenger who is not accepted by the country he/she wants to enter.
Turkish Immigration Lawyer: Viridis Legal Partners
As Viridis Legal Partners, we appreciate how important it is for you to choose the right immigration lawyer. As your immigration lawyer in Istanbul, we have extensive experience and deep expertise in immigration law in many areas such as removal prohibition to entry into Turkey, overstay fine payments, providing support for annotated visa applications, providing support for Ministry of Interior visa pre-clearance applications, INAD passenger procedures. We also provide clear and effective communication as your English-speaking Turkish immigration lawyers so that you can fully understand your legal options and the procedures involved.
What sets Viridis Legal Partners apart is our knowledge of both Turkish and international legal standards. Our expertise in both local and international frameworks ensures that your cases for lifting the ban on entry into Turkey are efficient and free from unnecessary delays. With Viridis Legal Partners by your side, you will benefit from tailored legal advice designed to meet your needs and achieve your immigration goals in Turkey.
Contact us today for a consultation or to benefit from our immigration lawyer and deportation law services
Entry Ban to Turkey: Legal Insights and Remedies
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