Turkish Immigration Lawyer
You will find the answer of what is a Turkish immigration lawyer and as your English speaking immigration lawyers in Turkey, how can we, Viridis Legal Partner, assist you with residence permits, citizenship, and work visas and all your immigration needs in Turkey in this article.
What Is a Turkish Immigration Lawyer?
A Turkish immigration lawyer specialises in immigration-related legal matters, including obtaining residence and work permits, citizenship applications, asylum claims, deportation defence and Turkish work visas. An immigration lawyer in Turkey provides legal advice to foreigners seeking to visit, live or work in Turkey or to businesses seeking to employ foreigners in Turkey, aiding them to comply with local regulations and assisting her/his clients in fulfilling the administrative procedures in full. They also represent clients in disputes with immigration authorities and advise on family reunification, long-term residence and visa applications for foreign investors or employees. The expertise of a Turkish immigration lawyer is crucial to minimise delays in the immigration process and avoid legal complications.
Why Do You Need a Turkish Immigration Lawyer?
Due to the technical and complex nature of immigration laws and practices, legal assistance is indispensable when obtaining a residence permit, work permit, visa and Turkish citizenship in Turkey. As your immigration lawyer in Turkey, Viridis Legal Partners ensures that applications are properly prepared, avoiding common mistakes that can lead to delays or rejections. We assist our clients to understand the Turkish visa requirements, Turkish work permit requirements, residence permit Turkey requirements and Turkish citizenship eligibility criteria, collect the necessary documents and efficiently manage the bureaucratic process. Legal guidance for work visas and residence permits is essential to ensure compliance with Turkish labour and immigration laws, while citizenship applications often require complex legal interpretation and proof of various conditions such as continuous residence or investment. As your English speaking immigration lawyers in Turkey, we, Viridis Legal Partners can also provide invaluable support in achieving a successful outcome by representing clients in appeals or disputes with immigration authorities.
Legal Services Provided by English Speaking Immigration Lawyers in Turkey
An immigration lawyer, also known as a foreigner law and citizenship lawyer, is a lawyer who specialises in the legal matters of foreign nationals in Turkey. These lawyers primarily assist foreigners in legal processes such as obtaining citizenship, work permits, residence permits, work visas and deportation. However, they also provide legal counselling and representation to foreigners on their legal rights and obligations in Turkey and in cases they may encounter, such as commercial disputes, divorce cases or inheritance matters.
Foreigners law lawyers generally provide services in the following matters
- Residence Permit Applications in Turkey
- Work Permit Applications in Turkey
- Citizenship Applications in Turkey
- Deportation in Turkey
- International Protection and Asylum Applications in Turkey
- Family Reunification in Turkey
- Visa Applications and Cancellations to Turkey
- Work Visa Applications to Turkey
- Property and Investment Consultancy in Turkey
- Legal Representation and Counselling in Turkey
Turkish expatriate lawyers play an important role in understanding the legal processes in Turkey and defending the rights of foreign nationals.
What is Immigration Law?
Immigration law is a branch of law that is gaining more importance with increasing international migration movements and globalisation.
This area of law, also known as foreigners’ law, immigration law or citizenship law, can be defined as the branch of law that regulates the legal status of foreigners living in a country or associated with that country. Immigration law in Turkey covers the rights and obligations of foreigners in Turkey, residence permits, work permits, citizenship procedures, refugee and asylum seeker status, deportation procedures, visas to Turkey and other immigration issues.
The law of foreigners is shaped by national legislation and international treaties, and the law of foreigners of each country is subject to special rules and regulations determined in line with the sovereign rights of that country. Within the scope of the basic legislation regulating the law of foreigners in Turkey; Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection, which regulates the procedures and principles regarding the entry of foreigners into Turkey, their stay in Turkey and their departure from Turkey and the scope and implementation of the protection to be provided to foreigners who request protection from Turkey; Law No. 6735 on International Labour Force, which regulates the procedures and principles to be followed in the procedures and procedures regarding work permits and work permit exemptions to be granted to foreigners; Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901, which regulates the acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship.
What is International Protection? What are the International Protection Statuses In Turkey?
International protection is a type of protection provided by another country for the purpose of protecting the safety and rights of a person in the event of persecution, war, torture, inhuman treatment or serious danger in the country of which the person is a citizen, and is a legal status that enables the foreign person to be in Turkey. International protection is activated when a person is not safe in his/her own country and cannot return to his/her country.
International protection statuses in Turkey are organised under three main headings according to the Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection:
Refugee Status In Turkey:
In accordance with the Geneva Convention of 1951, refugee status is granted to persons who, because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, are at risk of persecution and are unable or unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of their country of nationality. Since Turkey is a party to the Geneva Convention with a geographical reservation, only those from European countries can apply for refugee status.
Conditional Refugee Status In Turkey:
Conditional refugee status is the status granted to foreigners who meet the above definition of refugee but come from non-European countries. Persons with this status cannot reside in Turkey permanently; they can stay in Turkey temporarily until they are resettled in a third country.
Secondary Protection Status In Turkey:
Secondary protection is a type of protection granted to persons who do not meet the definitions of refugee or conditional refugee, but who are at risk of the death penalty, torture, inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment in their country of nationality, or who are under serious threat due to international or internal armed conflict.
Temporary Protection In Turkey:
In addition to these three categories, there is also a temporary protection status for Syrians. Temporary protection is a temporary protection status granted to foreigners who have left their country due to emergencies or mass migration movements and have no possibility of returning. This status is particularly applicable in situations where large numbers of people seek asylum in a short period of time and aim to provide protection collectively, rather than through an individual refugee status determination process.
In Turkey, temporary protection status was applied to Syrians who fled their country due to the civil war in Syria in 2011. Pursuant to Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection and the Temporary Protection Regulation, Syrians arriving in Turkey are protected under this status. This protection status allows them to benefit from basic rights and services such as shelter, health care, education and work permits.
Temporary protection is a type of protection that is considered as a temporary solution that is not permanent. However, if the situation persists, the period of temporary protection can be extended and the basic rights and needs of these persons continue to be protected. Since 2011, this status has been in place, and it should be noted that there is a widespread impression among the public that it has already become permanent.
What is Deportation In Turkey?
Deportation is an administrative decision taken by the Turkish authorities to remove a foreign national from the borders of Turkey. This decision may be taken for reasons such as the foreigner posing a threat to national security, public order or public health, visa or residence permit violation.
Deportation may also be imposed in cases where the foreigner’s asylum application has been rejected, has committed a crime or has entered the country illegally. In this process, the person is given the right of self-defence and has the possibility to appeal the decision.
In Turkey, deportation procedures are regulated under the Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection. The decision is taken by the Directorate General of Migration Management and a detailed assessment of the person is made before it is implemented. In particular, persons who are at risk of torture, inhuman treatment or persecution in the country to which they will be returned are not deported in accordance with international law.
How to Acquire Turkish Citizenship?
Turkish citizenship can be acquired in various ways according to the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901. These ways can be summarised as follows:
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by Birth
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by descent: The child of a Turkish citizen mother or father becomes a Turkish citizen directly and automatically upon birth. Regardless of the place of birth, the child of a Turkish mother or father acquires Turkish citizenship.
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by Place of Birth: Children born in Turkey whose parents are not known or who cannot be citizens of any country can become Turkish citizens on the basis of place of birth.
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship with the Decision of the Competent Authority
Foreign nationals can gain citizenship by applying for Turkish citizenship when they fulfil certain conditions. These conditions generally include criteria such as residing in Turkey for five years without interruption, having good morals, being able to speak Turkish and having an income that will provide a living.
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship through Marriage:
Foreigners who have been married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years may apply for Turkish citizenship as long as the marriage union continues. However, it must be proved that the marriage was not entered into for the purpose of acquiring citizenship and that the family unity actually continues.
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship in Exceptional Cases:
Persons who have rendered significant services to Turkey in scientific, economic, social, sportive, and cultural fields or those who have been accepted as immigrants may be granted Turkish citizenship exceptionally by the decision of the Council of Ministers. Acquisition of Turkish citizenship through the purchase of real estate and acquisition of Turkish citizenship through investment are also within this scope.
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship through Adoption
Foreigners who are adopted by a Turkish citizen and who are under the age of 18 may apply for Turkish citizenship from the date of adoption.
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by Right of Choice
Persons born to Turkish citizen parents and who are citizens of a foreign country may acquire Turkish citizenship by exercising the right of choice within a certain period of time after they come of age.
Applications for Turkish citizenship are made to the Provincial Directorates of Population and Citizenship in Turkey and to Turkish consulates abroad. The applications are evaluated and decided by the competent authorities after the necessary examinations.
Residence Permit In Turkey
A residence permit or residency permit in Turkey is a type of permit that allows foreigners to legally reside in Turkey for a certain period of time. A Turkey residence permit is divided into different categories according to the purpose and duration of the foreigner’s stay in Turkey. The main types of residence permit in Turkey are as follows:
Short Term Residence Permit
Short-term residence permits in Turkey can be requested on the basis of various reasons.
- Touristic Residence Permit
- Residence Permit for Scientific Research or Archaeological Studies
- Residence Permit for Immovable Property Owners
- Residence Permit for Commercial Activities or Business Establishment
- Residence Permit for Study or Internship Programmes
- Residence Permit for Treatment
- Residence Permit for Turkish Language Learning
- Residence Permit for Work Purposes under International Agreements or Projects
- Residence Permit for Cultural, Social or Sporting Activities
- Residence Permit for Media Members
- Residence Permit for Family Connection
such as residence permit types are within the scope of short-term residence permits.
Family Residence Permit
This permit is granted to family members of foreigners who are married to a Turkish citizen or have a valid residence permit in Turkey. Spouses, children and dependent parents can obtain this permit.
Student Residence Permit
It is a residence permit issued for foreign students studying at an educational institution (e.g. university) in Turkey. It is valid during the student period and can be renewed for each academic year.
Long Term Residence Permit
Foreigners who have resided in Turkey legally for at least eight years without interruption may apply for a long-term residence permit. This permit is granted indefinitely and may also provide the right to work in Turkey.
Humanitarian Residence Permit
It is a temporary residence permit granted to foreigners who need to stay in Turkey due to extraordinary circumstances or humanitarian grounds. This permit may also be granted to persons who may face a life-threatening danger in case of deportation.
Victim Residence Permit
It is a residence permit granted to foreigners who are identified as victims of human trafficking. This permit is issued in order to provide support to the victims during the protection and rehabilitation process.
Work Permit in Turkey
A work permit in Turkey is an official authorisation document required for foreign nationals to work legally in Turkey. The work permit can be obtained by the employer in Turkey or in some cases by the foreigner himself/herself. The types of work permits, application process and requirements in Turkey are as follows:
Temporary Work Permit:
It is the permit that foreigners who want to work in Turkey usually get in the first place. It is granted for one year in the first application. This permit can be extended for two more years if it is continued under the same employer. At the end of five years, a three-year extension can be requested. A temporary work permit is valid for a specific employer and position. In case of a job change, a new work permit application is required.
Permanent Work Permit:
Foreigners who have resided in Turkey for at least eight years continuously and legally may apply for an indefinite work permit. A permanent work permit gives foreigners the right to work without any time limitations. Foreigners with this permit may also practice self-employment or establish a business in Turkey.
Independent Work Permit:
This is the permit granted to foreigners who wish to work independently or establish their own business in Turkey. In order to apply for this permit, the foreigner may be required to prove his/her professional competence and to have resided in Turkey for a certain period of time.
Turquoise Card:
It is a special work permit granted to foreigners who will work in highly qualified and specialised fields. Turquoise Card holders have rights such as indefinite residence and work permit.
Turkish Citizenship Lawyers: How Can We Assist You?
Obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment involves making a qualifying investment, such as purchasing real estate or investing in a business while adhering to certain legal requirements set by the Turkish government. The minimum threshold for real estate investments is currently $400,000 and varies depending on the type of venture for business investments. As your Turkish immigration lawyer, Viridis Legal Partners ensures that the investment complies with all legal standards, such as registering the property with a clean title or verifying the legitimacy of a business investment. They help prepare and submit the necessary documentation, including proof of investment and background checks, while ensuring that all necessary steps are followed correctly.
In addition, as your Turkish immigration lawyer, Viridis Legal Partners liaises with various government authorities, such as the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation for property investments or the Ministry of Industry and Technology for business-related investments. We conduct thorough due diligence to avoid any legal pitfalls and ensure that the investment is eligible for the citizenship programme. An immigration lawyer also monitors the application process, keeps track of important deadlines and ensures smooth communication with the authorities. By providing expert guidance, as your Turkish immigration lawyer, Viridis Legal Partners assists investors in avoiding delays or complications and facilitates a successful and efficient path to Turkish citizenship
Your Immigration Lawyer in Turkey
As Viridis Legal Partners, we understand how important it is for you to choose the right immigration lawyer. As your immigration lawyer in Turkey, we have extensive experience and deep expertise in immigration law to ensure that we can guide you through every step of the process, whether you are seeking a residence permit, work visa or Turkish citizenship. We also offer fluent English so that you fully understand your legal options and the procedures involved, ensuring clear and effective communication with our international clients.
What sets Viridis Legal Partners apart is our knowledge of both Turkish and international legal standards. We recognise how global treaties and international regulations can affect your case, especially in cross-border scenarios such as business relocations or family reunifications. Our expertise in both local and international frameworks ensures that your immigration journey is smooth, legally compliant and free from unnecessary delays. With Viridis Legal Partners by your side, you will benefit from tailored legal advice designed to meet your needs and achieve your immigration goals in Turkey.
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