How to Get a Long-Term Residence Permit in Turkey?
Residence permits in general and types of residence permits in Turkey are regulated under Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection. One of the types of residence permits is the long-term residence permit, which finds wide application in Turkey.
As your immigration lawyers in Istanbul, we, Viridis Legal Partners can assist you, as a foreigner to have a long-term residence permit in Turkey. You can find details of what is a long-term residence permit, how to apply for a long-term residence permit in Turkey, eligibility criteria for Turkish long-term residence permits and required documents for long-term residence permit applications in Turkey, and other specifications of long-term residence permits in Turkey in this guide.
What is a Long-Term Residence Permit in Turkey?
Long-term residence permit is the legal name given to indefinite residence permit in Turkey. Long-term residence permit provides foreigners with indefinite stay in Turkey and rights close to citizenship. Long-term residence permit is regulated in Article 42 and following articles of the Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection.
Long-term residence permit
ARTICLE 42 – (1) Foreigners who have stayed in Turkey with a residence permit for at least eight years without interruption or who meet the conditions determined by the Ministry shall be granted an indefinite residence permit by the governorships with the approval of the Ministry.
(2) Refugee, conditional refugee and subsidiary protection status holders, humanitarian residence permit holders and those under temporary protection shall not be entitled to long-term residence permit.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs is meant here. In the text of the article, it is stated that the eight-year stay in Turkey for the issuance of a long-term residence permit must be with a residence permit. The types of residence permits are specified in Article 30 of the aforementioned Law; short-term residence permit, family residence permit, student residence permit, long-term residence permit, humanitarian residence permit, and victim of human trafficking residence permit are the types of residence permits recognised by the Turkish law. Since the human trafficking residence permit is granted for a period of 30 days and the humanitarian residence permit is an exceptional residence permit given for a short period of time where deportation decisions cannot be taken or implemented, asylum application rejection decisions cannot be implemented or deportation cannot be carried out since it constitutes a refoulement, they cannot be the basis for obtaining a long-term residence permit. In addition, since a work permit is a substitute for a residence permit, a stay with a work permit constitutes a legal basis for obtaining a long-term residence permit.
The rights provided by the long-term residence permit are listed in Article 44 of the aforementioned law. Accordingly, Turkish Laws shall apply to long-term residence permit holders in matters such as inheritance and transfer of real estate.
Rights provided by long-term residence permit
ARTICLE 44 – (1) Foreigners with long-term residence permit
- a) Obligation to perform military service,
- b) Election and selection,
- c) Entry to public office,
ç) Importing vehicles as exempt,
Except for the regulations in special laws, they benefit from the rights granted to Turkish citizens, provided that their acquired rights regarding social security are reserved and they are subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation in the exercise of these rights.
Accordingly, long-term residence permit holders benefit from the rights provided to Turkish citizens, except for military service and the right to elect and be elected to public service. However, exceptions to this are cases where Turkish citizenship is specified in the provisions of relevant laws. For example, long-term residence permit holders cannot practice professions reserved for Turkish citizens.
Who is Eligible for a Long-Term Residence Permit?
Article 43 of the aforementioned Law regulates who would be granted a long-term residence permit.
‘a) To have stayed in Turkey with a residence permit for at least eight years without interruption
- b) Not having received social assistance in the last three years
- c) To have a sufficient and regular source of income to provide for himself/herself and his/her family, if any
ç) To have valid health insurance
- d) Not to pose a threat to public order or public safety
(2) The conditions other than subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph shall not be sought for foreigners who are deemed appropriate to be granted a long-term residence permit due to the conditions determined by the Ministry.’
Accordingly, the eligibility criteria for a long-term residence permit can be listed as eight years of stay with a residence permit, not having received social assistance in the last three years, having sufficient and regular income, having valid health insurance, and not posing a threat to public order and security. Information on each eligibility criterion is given below.
How Is the Minimum Eight-Year Residence Period Calculated?
The first condition for the issuance of a long-term residence permit is to have resided in Turkey for eight years without interruption with a residence permit. Firstly, it should be noted that; the starting date of the eight-year retrospective calculation is the date of application for a long-term residence permit.
How the eight-year period will be calculated is shown in Article 28 of the aforementioned Law. Accordingly, stays outside Turkey exceeding a total of six months in a year or exceeding a total of one year in the last five years shall be considered as interruption in residence. For those who have interruptions in their residence permits, the duration of their previous permits shall not be taken into account in their residence permit applications or in their transition to another residence permit. In the calculation of uninterrupted residence permit periods, half of the student residence permits and all of the other residence permits are counted.
Required Income For Long-Term Residence Permit In Turkey
The foreigner who will apply for a long-term residence permit is expected to prove that he/she has the financial means to cover the expenses of himself/herself and his/her family members, if any. Accordingly, bank passbooks, rental agreement and title deed in case of rental income, and tax certificate in case of commercial profit are expected to be submitted. However, the question of how much income you need to have in order to apply for long-term residence is mostly calculated according to the minimum wage and varies according to years.
In addition, the foreigner who will apply for a long-term residence permit is expected to have a valid health insurance and not to have received social assistance in the last three years.
How to Apply for a Long-Term Residence Permit
The first stage of applying for a student residence permit in Turkey is to apply from an online application website, The applicant should first attend the appointment made upon application in person. Residence permit applications in Turkey cannot be made through consulates at the moment and applications are received by the governorship of the city where the applicant wishes to reside. Applications for residence permits in Turkey are finalised within a maximum of 90 days and this period is also valid for short-term residence permits.
Required Documents For Long-Term Residence Permit In Turkey
Documents necessary for long-term residence permit application are as follows:
- Residence Permit Application Form
- Photocopy of passport or passport substitute document
- Four (4) biometric photographs
- Photocopy of the previous residence permit
- Document showing that no social assistance has been received in the last three years
- Proof of sufficient and regular financial means for the period of stay
- Criminal record
- Document showing that the residence permit card fee has been paid
- Valid health insurance
- Document showing that it is registered in the Address Registration System
- Document showing the place to stay (title deed; notarised rental agreement; if staying in a hotel or similar place, a document showing this; if staying with a third party, a notarised commitment)
Rights of a Long-Term Residence Permit Holder
The long-term residence permit provides some privileges to its holders as with some restrictions.
The rights provided by the long-term residence permit are listed in Article 44 of the aforementioned law. Accordingly, Turkish Laws shall apply to long-term residence permit holders in matters such as inheritance and transfer of real estate.
Rights provided by long-term residence permit
ARTICLE 44 – (1) Foreigners with long-term residence permit
- a) Obligation to perform military service,
- b) Election and selection,
- c) Entry to public office,
ç) Importing vehicles as exempt,
Except for the regulations in special laws, they benefit from the rights granted to Turkish citizens, provided that their acquired rights regarding social security are reserved and they are subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation in the exercise of these rights.
Accordingly, long-term residence permit holders benefit from the rights provided to Turkish citizens, except for military service and the right to elect and be elected to public service. However, exceptions to this are cases where Turkish citizenship is specified in the provisions of relevant laws. For example, long-term residence permit holders cannot practice professions reserved for Turkish citizens.
Reasons for Rejection or Cancellation of a Long-Term Residence Permit
The long-term residence permit may be cancelled in cases where the foreigner poses a serious threat to public order or public security; or is outside Turkey for more than one year without interruption for reasons other than health, education, and compulsory public service in his/her country. In addition, if the foreigner applying for a long-term residence permit does not meet the eligibility criteria, the application for a long-term residence permit can be rejected.
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